Sunday, June 5, 2011

Series Week - #1

Pleasure Unbound (Demonica, Book 1)

Let's talk about:  Larissa Ione and the Demonica Series

Starting with Pleasure Unbound and following with great stories such as Desire Unchained, Passion Unleashed, Ecstasy Unveiled, and concluding (but not ending) with Sin Undone, Ms. Ione kept me up late for MANY nights in a row, desperate to finish a story just to move onto the next!  They kept getting better and better! 

While I don't think you NEED to read each one in order, I really recommend it just for the fact that you can follow each characters progression as they overlap in each story.  You also don't want any spoilers!!

Hot men, hot stories and a fantastically imagined alter-universe where demons not only exist but are treated at Underworld General Hospital for things like childbirth to near death experiences.  Just fantastic weaving of each character's personality along with just the right amount of action to let me feel a little less dirty for reading these in bed next to my husband while he's sleeping.  :-)

Huge fangirl, that's me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still waiting for more series. *taps foot impatiently*
